Official Press Release for 2017 Dili International Marathon and 2017 Tour de Timor
Dated 1st June
Patron of the 2017 International Events, José Ramos-Horta announced the Pelican Paradise Holdings’ $100,000 USD Gold Level cash sponsorship today. This crucial funding comes a critical time during the build up to both events and ensures that the organizers are able to fully engage all objectives, exceeding previous event standards.
Praising Pelican Paradise’s commitment José Ramos-Horta said: “It was around the same time that I launched the “Dili, City of Peace” international events, such as the Dili International Marathon and Tour de Timor, that Datuk Edward Ong became interested in developing the Pelican Paradise project. Today Noble Timor and the Pelican Paradise project both remain firmly committed to the same principles which saw these initiatives started: the consolidation of peace in Timor-Leste; the generation of employment; the development of a tourism industry that provides meaningful long lasting benefits for the nation, people and culture of Timor-Leste.”
For Pelican Paradise, the sponsorship is part of Pelican Paradise’s commitment to the people and belief in the future of Timor-Leste. “It is indeed an honour to partner Noble Timor to promote PEACE and TOURISM through these two events, not only to enable local youths to see the potential and the beauty of their beloved country but also to showcase Timor-Leste to the world,” said Datuk Edward Ong, President of Pelican Paradise Group. Pelican Paradise is confident that under the leadership of H.E. Dr José Ramos-Horta and the Noble Timor, with the strong support from the Timor-Leste Government, these two events will achieve it goals of bringing the local community together and the world to Timor-Leste while promoting the unique identity, personality and character of this young nation.
For the Dili International Marathon the 5km fun run will be branded as the Pelican Paradise 5km Fun Run. With over 5000 participants expected, this will be biggest event of the day. Activities and live music performances will keep the participants, both young and old, entertained throughout the event. A festive atmosphere is expected at the start-finish line to welcome home the full and half marathon runners.
The Tour de Timor will see all water stations branded as “Pelican Paradise Water Stations”. These water stations provide life saving refreshments along the Tour de Timor’s beautiful, but challenging 500+ km course.
Mr. Ramos-Horta went onto to say: “It is a testament to Datuk Ong’s perseverance, dedication and belief in the Pelican Paradise project and in Timor-Leste’s future that he remains committed to Timor-Leste after such a long period. Thanks to Pelican Paradise’s generous sponsorship and the efforts of Noble Timor’s organizers, I have full belief that Timor-Leste’s vision and the people’s expectations for the events will be a success this year and in the years to come.”
Over 5000 runners are expected to compete across the three races of the Dili international Marathon. Around 250 riders are expected to participate in what is fast becoming Asia’s most famous (and lucrative) mountain bike race, the Tour de Timor. In addition the “Ride for Peace” (a short distance non competitive ride involving school children and participants) will be held on then 16th of September in the capital of Dili.
For more information visit our official websites:
www.diliinternationalmarathon. com
Noble Timor ho Pelican Paradise Anunsia Patrosinador Nivel Ouro ba Eventu Internasional Tinan 2017
(Konferensia ba Imprensa loron ……. Fulan Julho 2017 kona-ba Dili International Marathon 2017 no Tour de Timor 2017)
Ohin Datuk Edward Ong no Patraun ba eventu internasional, José Ramos-Horta anunsia Pelican Paradise ninia patrosinador ho osan kas $ 100.000. Fundu fleksible ne’e mai iha tempu ida ne’ebe kritiku durante preparasaun ba eventu rua ne’e no asegura katak organizador sira bele atinji objetivu hotu, hodi bele halo buat barak kompara ho eventu sira ne’ebé hala’o uluk.
Hodi apresia Datuk Ong ninia komitmentu José Ramos-Horta hateten katak : “ iha tempu hanesan wainhira hau lansa eventu internasional ba “Dili Sidade da Paz” hanesan Dili International Marathon no Tour de Timor, Datuk ong mós hahú interese ba dezenvolvimentu projetu Pelican Paradise. Ohin Noble Timor no projetu Pelican Paradise nafatin hatudu ninia komitmentu ba prinsipiu hanesan ne’ebé hatudu wainihira hahú inisiativa hirak ne’e, inklui: konsolidasaun paz iha Timor-Leste, kriasaun kampu servisu, dezenvolvimentu industria turismu ne’ebé bele fornese benefisu diak ba kutura, ema no nasaun Timor-Leste.”
Ba Pelican Paradise, patrosinador nudar parte ida husi Pelican Paradise ninia komitmentu ba ema no futuru Timor-Leste. “Honra bo’ot tebes ida atu halo parseiru ho Noble Timor atu promove PAZ no TURISMO liu husi eventu rua ne’e, la’os deit atu halo foin sa’e Timor-oan sira atu hare sira nia rai nia furak maibe mós atu hatudu Timor-Leste ba mundu,” Datuk Edward Ong, Presidente Pelican Paradise Group hateten. Pelican Paradise fiar katak ho lideransa husi Exclensia Dr. José Ramos-Horta ho Noble Timor, no mós suporta maka’as husi governu Timor Leste, eventu rua ne’e sei atinji ninia objetivu hodi lori komunidade lokal no mundu mai hamutuk iha Timor-Leste hodi promove identidade, personalidade no karakter ne’ebe uniku husi nasaun joven ida ne’e.
Patrosinador ne’ebé fornese husi Pelican Paradise no Datuk Ong sei refleta iha eventu rua ne’e hotu ho meius visiblidade ne’ebé ás. Ba Dili International Marathon, halai ba paz ho kilo metru 5 sei hetan marka hanesan Pelican Paradise halai ba paz. Ho ekspetativa katak partisipante nain 5000 mak sei partisipa, eventu ida ne’e mak bo’ot liu iha loron refere. Aktividades no muzika sei anima nafatin partsipante sira ne’ebé rejistu tiha ona, liu-liu estudante sira husi eskola sekundaria sira iha Dili laran. Atmosfera festival sei hala’o iha linha hahu no remata atu fó bemvindu ba atleta sira ne’ebe kompete iha meia maratona no maratona kompletu. Estasaun bé nian ba Tour de Timor sei marka hotu hanesan “estasaun bé husi Pelican Paradise”. Estasaun bé sira ne’e sei fornese aihan kiik oan balu iha dalan sira ne’ebé Tour de Timor sei liu kuaze 500 Km liu.
Sr. Ramos-Horta hatutan tan katak: “ne’e hanesan testamentu ba Datuk Ong ninia dedikasaun tomak no fiar ba projetu Pelican Paradise katak nia sei iha komitmentu nafatin ba Timor-Leste hafoin iha tempu ida ne’ebé kleur tebes. Hamutuk, obrigadu ba patrosinador ho osan kas husi Pelican Paradise, Hau iha fiar tomak ba organizador husi Noble Timor atu halo Timor-Leste ninia vizaun no ema sira nia mehi katak eventu sira ne’e hetan suksesu iha tinan ida ne’e no tinan hirak oin mai.”
Tuir espetativa katak sei iha atleta nain 5000 mak sei kompete iha kompetisaun tolu iha Dili International Marathon. Kuaze siklista nain 250 mak sei partisipa hamutuk iha kompetisaun bisikleta foho ne’ebé lakleur tan sei koinesidu (no hetan lukru) iha Asia, Tour de Timor. Alen de ida ne’e sei iha mós “Korida ba Paz (korida non-kompetitivu ho distansia ne’ebé badak hodi inklui estudantes no partisipante sira) ne’ebé sei hala’o iha Sabdu, 16 Setembru 2017 iha Kapital Dili
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