Official press release for the Dili international marathon and the Tour de Timor. For Immediate distribution, dated 11 August 2017.
José Ramos-Horta thanked representatives of Timor Telecom for their support for the Dili International Marathon and the Tour de Timor.
The in-kind sponsorship from Timor Telecom will provide vital communications through the generous donation of $35,000 USD of phone credit, 200 phones with Sim cards and ten internet wifi devices. As well as the in-kind sponsorship Timor Telecom has included the invaluable SMS texting service informing residents of the events and consequent road closures.
Talking about the upcoming race the President of the Noble Timor’s Board said: “The 2017 Tour de Timor is an auspicious occasion for Noble Timor. This year we are re-invigorating the international events and planning ahead to next year already. I wish to praise Timor Telecom’s support of the ninth Tour de Timor and their ongoing commitment to the events. Following this year’s incredibly successful elections, which were conducted 100% by Timorese organizers, the continuation of peace and stability in Timor-Leste is a reality. The International Events this year will showcase our amazing country overseas and continue to push the case that the time for Timor-Leste is now. Thank you and God bless you.”
Manuel Joaquim Capitão Amaro, the Country Director for Timor Telecom, said “Timor Telecom is once again delighted and honored to support the events of the Dili Marathon and the Tour de Timor 2017, this year with the support of telecommunications facilities and merchandising acquisition. Sport and the encouragement of stability and peace in Timor-Leste are also a concern to Timor Telecom and deserve our full support. I also take this chance to congratulate the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Dr. José Ramos Horta who this year will head once again these two events and we are sure that it will have the same success as the previous years.”
The Tour de Timor is between the 19th and 23rd of September. Over 5 days riders will travel over 500 Kms and 10,000 meters of climbs making the event one of Asia’s most famous MTB races and one of the toughest endurance events in the world. For more information please check our websites or find us on Facebook.
Rider and volunteers can register for the events online through the websites or locally in Dili by person. The Dili International Marathon registration will close on the 17th of August and the Tour de Timor online registration will close on the 4th of September.
Noble Timor Anunsia Patrosinador husi Timor Telcom ba Eventu Internasionál Tinan 2017
(Konferensia Imprensa ofisial ba Dili International Marathon no Tour de Timor 2017 atu publika imediata loron 11 Fulan Augusto 2017)
José Ramos-Horta hato’o obrigado ba Timor-Telecom kona-ba sira nia apoiu ba Dili Internartional Marathon no Tour de Timor. Apoiu husi Timor Telecom mak hanesan fornesimentu komunikasaun importante liu husi donasaun pulsa $35.000, telemovel 200 kompletu ho sim card no aparelu wifi ba internet sanulu. Alen de apoiu hirak ne’e Timor Telecom mós haruka mensajen liu husi SMS ba komunidade sira kona-ba eventu no hato’o ba públiku kona-ba dalan ne’ebé sei taka. Ko’alia kona-ba kompetisaun ne’e Prezidente Board Noble Timor hateten katak: “Tour de Timor 2017 sai hanesan eventu ida ne’ebé importante tebes ba Noble Timor. Tinan ida ne’e ami hahu fila fali eventu internasionál sira no halo planu hela ba tinan oin mai. Hau apresia tebes ba Timor Telecom ninia apoiu ba Tour de Timor ne’ebé hala’o dala sia ona no sira nia komitmentu atu kontinua fo tulun ba eventu sira ne’e. Hafoin suksesu bo’ot ba elisaun sira, ne’ebé hala’o 100% husi organizador Timor-oan, kontinuasaun ba paz no estabilidade iha Timor-Leste mak sai hanesan realidade.Eventu internasionál sira iha tinan ida ne’e sei hatudu ita nia nasaun nia furak ba nasaun sira seluk no kontinua dudu nafatin katak tempu ba Timor-Leste mak agora. Obrigadu no nai maromak fo bensaun ba ita bo’ot sira.
“Manuel Joaquim Capitão Amaro, Country Director ba Timor Telecom, hateten katak “dala ida tan Timor Telecom ho kontente no ho onra atu apoia eventu Dili Marathon no Tour de Timor 2017 tinan ida ne’e, ho suporta fasilidade telekomunikasaun no aquizasaun sasan merchandise nian. Desportu no enkorajamentu ba estabilidade no paz iha Timor-Leste sai mós preokupasaun ida ba Timor Telecom no ami iha dever atu fo apoiu tomak ba ida ne’e. Hau mós hakarak aproveita biban ida ne’e atu kongratula Premiadu Nobel da Paz, Dr. José Ramos Horta ne’ebé tinan ida ne’e lidera dala ida tan eventu rua ne’e no ami fiar katak sei hetan susesu hanesan tinan hirak liu ba.
“Tour de Timor sei hala’o entre loron 19 to’o 23 fulan Setembru tinan ida ne’e. Durante loron lima nia laran siklista sira sei halo viazen ho distansia liu 500 Km no sa’e foho quaze metru 10.000 ne’ebé halo eventu ne’e sai hanesan kompetisaun biskleta foho (MTB) ne’ebé koinesidu liu iha Asia no sai hanesan eventu ida ne’ebé nakonu ho dezafiu no kleur liu iha mundu. Atu hetan informasaun barak liu tan favor vizita ami nia website no facebook. Siklista no voluntariu sira bele rejistu ba eventu ne’e online liu husi website ka direitamente iha Dili. Rejistrasaun ba Dili International Marathon sei taka iha 17 de Augusto no rejistrasaun online ba Tour de Timor sei taka iha 4 de Setembru.
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