Press Release for the 2017 Dili International Marathon and the 2017 Tour de Timor – For immediate release dated 3 August 2017
At a signing ceremony today Honorary President of Noble Timor, José Ramos-Horta and GMN media group owner Jorge Serrano signed an MOU asserting the close collaboration between Noble Timor and GMN in support of the two landmark international sporting events in Timor-Leste this year.
“Jorge Serrano has decided to become one of the major media sponsors this year for our two events. I was present for the launch of his new television station this year and have visited his hotel, Novo Turismo, many times. Mr. Serrano represents Timorese entrepreneurs at the highest level. He started his business empire from a modest level, due to his dedication, hard work and excellent staff he has seen success repeated over a long time. More than that he has re-invested in Timor-Leste, while diversifying his interests. I thank Jorge and look forward to showing the world the results of our collaboration” said Mr. Ramos-Horta at the MOU signing ceremony held at Novo Turismo Hotel.
This year GMN will assist the Dili International Marathon and the Tour de Timor in particular with wide reaching media coverage. Via live studio coverage the people of Timor-Leste will be able to follow the events while GMN will also provide delayed live online access with international presenters for global coverage of the events.
Mr. Serrano also had this to say of the new partnership: “”It is with great pleasure that the Grupo Media Nacional is associated with the organization and performance of the two most emblematic sport events of our young nation: the Dili Marathon and the Tour de Timor. An Initiative of the Nobel Peace Laureate, José Ramos-Horta, who I congratulate for being the mentor of these events, who promote and promote East Timor to the World. The partnership we now establish will help achieve the objectives that led to the creation of GMN Tv: to promote peace and stability in our country; To make known what is best done and happens in Timor-Leste; And inculcating in the new generations the values of sportsmanship that are transposed into our day-to-day life will help build an ever stronger, dynamic and just nation. ”
In addition to the media cooperation the GMN group will also host the final award ceremony of the 2017 Tour de Timor. The event will take place at Novo Turismo and will be featured on GMN’s broadcast.
The Dili International Marathon will be held on the 19th of August. Local and international registration remain open until August 15th. In addition to a fully accredited and professionally timed full and half marathon there will also be a 5 km. fun run.
The Tour de Timor is between the 19th and 23rd of September. Over 5 days riders will travel over 500 Kms and 10,000 meters of climbs making the event one of Asia’s most famous MTB races and one of the toughest endurance events in the world.
For more information please check our websites or find us on Facebook: or at our websites
www.diliinternationalmarathon. com
Noble Timor asina akordu eksklusivu kona-ba media televizaun terestrial ho GMN
Konferensia Imprensa ba Dili International Marathon 2017 no Tour de Timor 2017.
Hasai imediata, loron 3 Agostu 2017
Iha serimonia asinatura ohin Presidente Honarario Noble Timor, José Ramos-Horta ho Nain ba GMN media group asina MoU ida hodi afirma kolaborasaun besik liu entre Noble Timor no GMN hodi suporta eventu desportiva internasional importante rua iha Timor-Leste tinan ida ne’e.
“Jorge Serrano deside ona atu sai patrosinador bo’ot ida ba eventu rua ne’e iha tinan ida ne’e. Hau partisipa lansamentu ba ninia estasaun televizaun foun tinan ida ne’e no vizita ninia hotel Novo Turismo dala barak ona. Sr. Serrano reprezenta emprezariu Timor-oan sira iha nivel ne’ebé ás. Nia hahu halo negosiu ho nivel ne’ebé simples, maibe tamba ninia dedikasaun, badinas no funsionariu ne’ebé ekselente nia hetan suksesu dala barak iha tempu barak nia laran. Liu tan husi ida ne’e, nia investe fila fali iha Timor-Leste, nune’e mós halo diversifikasaun ba ninia interese. Hau hakarak hato’o obrigado no hein atu hatudu rezultadu husi ami-nia kolaborasaun ba mundu. Sr. Ramos-Horta hato’o lia hirak ne’e iha serimonia asina MoU ne’ebé hala’o iha hotel Novo Turismo.
Tinan ida ne’e GMN sei suporta Dili International Marathon no Tour de Timor liu-liu atu halo kobertura media ne’ebé sei aksesu husi ema barak. Liu husi studio kobertura direta Timor-oan sira sei bele hare eventu sira ne’e, GMN mós sei fornese aksesu liu husi online ho aprezentador internasional ba kobertura global kona-ba eventu sira ne’e.
Sr. Serrano mós hateten lia hirak ne’e konaba parseria foun ida ne’e: “Ho kontente tebes Grupo Media Nacional servisu hamutuk ho organizasaun no hare desempenho husi eventu desportiva rua husi ita nia rai joven ida ne’e: Dili Marathon no Tour de Timor. Inisiativa ida husi Laureadu Nobel da Paz José Ramos-Horta, ne’ebé hau kongratula tamba sai hanesan mentor ba eventu rua ne’e no nia nudar ema ida ne’ebé promove nafatin Timor ba mundu. Parseria ne’ebé ami estabelese sei ajuda hodi atinji objetivu kriasaun GMN Tv: atu promove pas no estabilidade iha ita nia rai, atu habelar informasaun kona-ba saida mak hala’o diak ona no akontese iha Timor-Leste ; no kuda valor desportiva ba jerasaun foun sira atu bele transforma ba sira nia moris loron-loron hodi azuda dezenvolve nasaun ida ne’ebé forti liu tan, dinamiku no justu.
Alen de kooperasaun media, grupo GMN mós sei fo fatin ba serimonia entrega premiu final ba Tour de Timor 2017. Eventu ne’e sei hala’o iha Novo Turismo no sei hasai iha transmisaun GMN nian. Dili International Marathon sei hala’o iha 19 de Augustu. Rejistrasaun lokal no internasional sei loke nafatin to’o 15 de Augusto. Alen de Martona kompletu no meia Maratona ne’ebé hetan akreditasun no ho rezultadu tempu ne’ebé sukat ho professional iha mós halai ba pas ho distansi km 5.
Tour de Timor sei hala’o entre 19 to’o 23 de Setembru. Durante loron lima nia laran siklista sira sei halo viazen liu husi km 500 no sa’e foho quaze metro 10.000 ne’ebé halo eventu ida ne’e sai hanesan kompetisaun MTB iha Asia ne’ebé koinesidu liu no sai hanesan eventu ida ne’ebé nakonu ho dezafiu iha mundu. Atu hetan informasaun barak liu tan favor hare ami nia website ka buka ami iha Facebook:
www.diliinternationalmarathon. com
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